Submission to Parliament - Māori Wards


SUBMISSION: Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill

29 May 2024

Committee Secretariat
Justice Committee
Parliament Buildings

Dear Sir, 

Thank you for providing the opportunity to submit on the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill.

We would like to be heard in person.

This submission is on behalf of the Democracy Northland (DN), which was established by John Bain, a former deputy chairman of the Northland Regional Council.

In November 2020 DN initiated petitions pursuant to Section 19ZB of the Local Electoral Act 2001 for three local councils in Northland. They are the Northland Regional Council (NRC), Whangarei District Council (WDC) and the Kaipara District Council (KDC). Each had resolved to introduce Māori wards without prior consultation with the community.


A coup to replace Northland Regional Council chair Geoff Crawford has failed.

On the 6th of May five councillors signed a letter requisitioning a meeting to replace Crawford. The matter was to be put at the 28 May council meeting but a motion to withdraw the agenda item was moved by Cr Marty Robinson at the start of the meeting. That motion was supported by seven of the nine councillors. Tui Shortland and Peter-Lucas Jones abstained. 

Media supports indicate the back-down followed the intervention of MP Shane Jones, who had contacted councillors before the meeting to express his concerns about the instability a leadership change would create. It is also understood that the Local Government minister, Simeon Brown, had been keeping a close eye on the situation.

Garrick Tremain Cartoon - Government departments




Letterbox is a copyright-free citizen press, produced by Democracy Northland. If you would like to receive LETTERBOX by email contact us with “e-letterbox” in the subject line. Back issues are available from our website.


Are you prepared to stand to make a stand?


We have come to the view that the only way to change the mind of our local councillors is to change the local councillors!

Democracy Northland will be supporting candidates at next year’s local body elections. We are looking for people with integrity and respect for the democratic process. We want to have a council that represents the community, not one that imposes its view on the community.

The Greens have made no secret of the fact that they want to gain even greater influence on local councils than they already have and will be targeting local body elections.  

The feedback we have received is that people have had enough, and are saying “no” to radical ideology.  

Let’s give the public a common-sense alternative. If you may be interested in standing for your local district or regional council, please contact us at  

The WDC is pressing ahead with the fluoridation of the local water supply, despite public opposition. The Council recently wrote to the Ministry of Health asking to extend the time frame to complete the plant upgrade that is currently underway.

In December last year, the Council commissioned a polling company to gauge public opinion. They asked: 

“Thinking about the Ministry of Health directive, which of the following describes your level of agreement or disagreement about fluoride being added to the Whangarei and Bream Bay water supplies? Would you say that you strongly disagree, disagree, are neutral,  agree, or strongly agree?”

406 residents were surveyed by phone, two-thirds to a mobile number and one-third to a landline. The margin of error was +/-4.9%.

Minister clarifies changes to Maori wards


A letter dated 23 April from the Minister of Local Government to our local councils spelled out their options regarding Māori wards. The Northland Regional Council (NRC), Whangarei District Council (WDC), and Kaipara District Council (KDC) all introduced Māori wards without first calling for public input and they ignored petitions signed by some +15,000 people calling on the councils to hold a referendum. 

The Minister has told councils they can address that wrong in one of two ways. 

Taxpayers pay huge legal bill for iwi/hapu claims to Whangarei harbour

The second stage of the Māori claim for ownership of the Whangarei Coast is expected to cost taxpayers many millions of dollars in legal costs, and this is just one of 203 claims before the High Court. The hearing is scheduled to start on the 22nd of July. (The first stage for the Whangarei Harbour only, is currently being heard by the High Court in Whangarei.)

Under the Takutai Moana Financial Assistance Scheme introduced by the John Key National Government, iwi and hapu making claims for customary marine title of the foreshore and seabed may have their legal costs reimbursed by taxpayers. 

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“Show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcome.” - Charlie Munger