A coup to replace Northland Regional Council chair Geoff Crawford has failed.

On the 6th of May five councillors signed a letter requisitioning a meeting to replace Crawford. The matter was to be put at the 28 May council meeting but a motion to withdraw the agenda item was moved by Cr Marty Robinson at the start of the meeting. That motion was supported by seven of the nine councillors. Tui Shortland and Peter-Lucas Jones abstained. 

Media supports indicate the back-down followed the intervention of MP Shane Jones, who had contacted councillors before the meeting to express his concerns about the instability a leadership change would create. It is also understood that the Local Government minister, Simeon Brown, had been keeping a close eye on the situation.

One does not need to be a clairvoyant to see what was going on behind the scenes. Had the coup succeeded it is highly likely Commissioners would have been appointed to take control of the Council. The effect would be that all councillors would have been stripped of their roles, and lose their councillor salary.

It was a bad day at the office for Tui Shortland, Jack Craw, Amy McDonald, Marty Robinson, and Rick Stolwerk. Having a Minister intervene to pull them into line is an embarrassment to them, and the council. 

It remains to be seen whether the rebellious faction will learn from the encounter, or form a voting block to push through their left-wing policies. 

Advocate article HERE>>>