The WDC is pressing ahead with the fluoridation of the local water supply, despite public opposition. The Council recently wrote to the Ministry of Health asking to extend the time frame to complete the plant upgrade that is currently underway.

In December last year, the Council commissioned a polling company to gauge public opinion. They asked: 

“Thinking about the Ministry of Health directive, which of the following describes your level of agreement or disagreement about fluoride being added to the Whangarei and Bream Bay water supplies? Would you say that you strongly disagree, disagree, are neutral,  agree, or strongly agree?”

406 residents were surveyed by phone, two-thirds to a mobile number and one-third to a landline. The margin of error was +/-4.9%.

The community was equally split between strongly agreeing to fluoridation and strongly disagreeing (19% in each case).  

22% agreed, 11% disagreed and 29% said they were neutral (although it is not clear whether this also included those who fell into the “don’t know” category).

Given the low polling numbers and the high margin of error, the only definitive conclusion that can be drawn from the survey is this is an issue with strong opinions on both sides. That’s hardly surprising and should be obvious to councillors.

What is surprising is the cost of the survey was $18,200 (plus GST). As a comparison, Curia Research states on its website that it would charge $3,517 (plus GST) for a five-question phone poll to 406 respondents.  See Curia prices HERE >>>

Perhaps the Council should take more care when spending our money, especially when they are increasing rates by a whopping 17.2% this year.

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