Fluoridation Debacle


The Whangarei District Council (WDC) has got itself into a right mess, not entirely of its own making. The former Labour government removed the right given to local communities to decide whether to fluoridate their water supply and gave it to the Ministry of Health. 

On the 27th of July 2022, the Director-General of Health (Ashley Bloomfield) directed fourteen local authorities to fluoridate their water supply, including the WDC. 

The WDC acted on that directive promptly (too promptly) and entered into multi-million-dollar contracts to upgrade its water treatment plant. 

Meanwhile, a public interest group challenged the decision in the High Court and succeeded in convincing the Court that the Ministry of Health failed to consider the Bill of Rights Act which includes the right of an individual to refuse medical treatment. 

The Court left it for the parties to the litigation to agree on the remedy, but they have failed to do so, and another hearing is set down for 2 February to determine the consequences of the breach.

The matter was discussed by the WDC in late December 2023 before a packed public gallery. A motion by Cr Marie Olsen to “pause work…until the legal position can be clarified” was voted down by councillors 7 votes to 6. 

The WDC vote is contrary to the position taken by the Rotorua District Council which has paused work after the preliminary High Court ruling.

Further information

Reality Check Radio, In Focus Report: Fluoride on the Brain

High Court decision

Department of Health response to Court decision

RNZ: Rotorua Lakes Council pauses fluoridation work after High Court judgement on mandate