Northland Regional Council bans fishing for some, but not all

The NRC is taking the unprecedented step of banning recreational fishing in some popular fishing spots in the Bay of Islands. 

The ban (tapu) includes all fishing, including recreational fishing.

The area includes popular fishing spots and will be unpopular with some.

The move is controversial because customary (tikanga) fishing is specifically excluded from the ban.

The Northern Advocate reports: "Exceptions to the no-take rules include kina harvesting and activities linked to research, restoration and tikanga - such as customary fishing."

NRC Chairperson Tui Shortland (who is one of the two Maori constituency councillors on the NRC) said the council is in discussions with iwi about implementing the rules. Clearly, the intention is for local iwi to have a role in the implementation and possibly the enforcement of the ban.

Those breaking the rules could face fines of up to $300,000 for an individual or $600,000 for an organisation, or imprisonment of up to two years.

See the Northern Advocate report here >>>