The Whangarei District Council (WDC) has appointed an “independent” investigator to consider multiple Code of Conduct complaints against Cr Phoenix Ruka for comments he made against a fellow councillor. His comments criticised Marie Olsen for a Facebook post that questioned the numbers attending the Hikoi to Wellington which was organised by the Maori Party, which Cr Ruka attended. Cr Ruka is one of two councillors representing the Maori ward. He stood under a Maori Party affiliation.
Cr Ruka’s comments provoked a barrage of hostile comments and threats against Cr Olsen
which LETTERBOX understands has been referred to the police.
What was revealing about the
social media comments was the reference to a “Racist Register” that a network
of Maori activists use to target certain individuals. That network includes “kaimahi” (workers) within the WDC.
Social media comments... see full discussion HERE >>>
Amazing how a question that is just a few words can trigger such a hostile reaction!
"Shaquille Shortland to Heeni Hoterene another one for the racist register!"
"Sam Kruse to Shaquille Shortland I was hoping people were making a racist register, I've screenshotted some peeps"
"Shaquille Shortland comment: Official complaints have been lodged by members of the community and also internal kaimahi [Translation: workers] of WDC. Ngā mihi ki a tātou [Translation: Thanks to us], it is on us to keep them accountable! Cant leave it all up to our good councillors."
"Tūmamao Harawira [Reporter RNZ] to Phoenix Ruka e pai ana kia kōrero koe ki taku kairipoata ki a Daniel Perese? [Translation: I would like you to speak to my reporter Daniel Perese]"
"Shaquille Shortland comment: Ka pai Te Ao Māori News! Wepua! [Translation: Well done Te Ao Māori News! ]
Phoenix Ruka responds (hand clapping emoji)"
"Pita Tipene commented: Waiho ma te huhu ia e kai [Translation: Let the snake eat her]
Shaquille Shortland stood (unsuccessfully) for the WDC mayoralty and council in 2022.
He received 2180 votes for the mayoralty and 2255 in the Whangarei Urban ward.