The Green Party is backing protest action to block a housing development on a 6.8 ha site in Kamo. A local hapu claims the site is wāhi tapu.

In February a commissioner granted the subdivision consent subject to conditions, including cultural and heritage requirements, They said, “The evidence was very clear and specific in relation to the Onoke Cone but not persuasive enough to prevent subdivision of this lower land for residential subdivision and occupation”.

That decision is now being appealed to the Environment Court. The grounds for the appeal include it is inconsistent with Maori values and does not take into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi because the Council did not provide translation services during the hearing.

Despite the appeal, Green Party leader, Clohe Swarbrick, is reported to have encouraged the hapu to occupy the site.

The Northern Advocate reports: “She pointed to … Ihumātao, where protesters occupied the land to prevent a Fletcher Building housing development near the sacred Ōtuataua Stonefields Reserve. The site was eventually bought by the Government for $30 million, showing there are solutions outside the box.” A spokesperson for Ngāti Kahu said this would be considered.

So now the Green Party is encouraging the illegal occupation of private land when objectors don’t get their way through the consenting process. 

We wonder if this is an approach our Green councillors support? 


The WDC decision may be seen here >>>

The Advocate article may be seen here >>>