VOTER TURNOUT - silence from Cr Harding


The WDC Mayor Vince Cocurullo recently asked why voting turnout was declining.

In 2022 turnout for the WDC local election was just over 43%, down from 45% in the previous two elections.

Voter participation on the Māori roll was just 23.8%. Half of those who identify as Māori choose to be on the general roll, which means only 1 in 8 Māori voted in the Māori ward.

When this was pointed out to councillors, Cr Deb Harding defended the poor turnout by saying Māori participation in voting had been as low as 2%. She did not disclose the source of her information or when that was, so we have (three times) written to Cr Harding and asked for clarification. We have yet to receive a reply.