In the June issue of LETTERBOX we promised to report back on who required the $104,605 (+GST) “archway” artwork in the middle of the roundabout at the intersection of Port Road and Kioreroa Road.
We now know the consent condition arose from discussions between the “Council’s Parks Department and tangata whenua.”
In addition to
the ‘archway”, the resource consent conditions authorised local Māori to monitor
earthworks, consult on the landscaping, and perform ceremonial events.
Under the Official
Information Act, we requested details on how much those services cost. WDC’s
roading division has replied the total paid to four individuals from a local
hapu was $87,402. This
includes $49,632 for “Kaitiaki Monitoring…cultural design
input to the landscaping design and blessings of the site” and $37,770 for “Landform
The question
has to be asked: Is this contributing to the substantial increase in roading
costs in recent years? Whangarei’s Mayor has acknowledged increased roading
costs are a factor behind the council’s 17.2% rate increase. Do councillors
even know how much cultural factors are adding to their annual roading budget?
The very same
question could be asked of every council and the NZ Transport Agency Waka