LGNZ and the Whangarei District Council - the price of membership

The Whangarei District Council has never disclosed the membership fee it pays to Local Government NZ 

The union speaks for councils but in recent years has failed to represent the majority view of councils, Three Waters being an example. The fall-out is that several councils have withdrawn their membership (including Auckland, Christchurch, Kaipara). They say LGNZ is no longer a representative body and the annual membership fee does not represent value for money at a time when costs should be cut to minimise rate increases.

At a council meeting on the 23rd of May 2024, the WDC decided to remain a member. We have been told some councillors considered the amount of money involved was not significant enough to warrant review.

The agenda item and minutes may be seen here: https://pub-wdc.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=4004 and here https://pub-wdc.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=4084

The agenda item reveals the Annual LGNZ Membership Subscription paid for the year ended 30 June 2024 was $87,947.62 including GST. A further $17,839 (incl GST) was spent on councillor travel and accommodation. Total $105,786. 

In response to questions put to the council, we have been advised the annual membership subscription for the current financial year has increased by 5% to $92,345 including GST.

+$100K is a significant amount of money that would have been better applied to reducing the 17.2% rate increase, which was one of the highest in the country.

The motion to remain a member was moved by Cr Nicholas Connop and Seconded By Cr Carol Peters. We believe Cr Connop should have recused himself from voting on this topic as he is the Zone 1 Representative on
LGNZ Young Elected Members Committee.