Cr Gavin Benney - Voting record


Cr Gavin Benney (Hikurangi-Coastal Ward)

FOR the motion: "That Council approves $480,000 operating expenses funding in year 2 and $480,000 operating expenses in year 3 of the Long Term Plan to the Whangarei Art Trust, which is additional funding to the existing operating grant."
(Extraordinary Whangarei District Council Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, 29 May, 2024) 
The Whangarei Art Trust manages the Hundertwasser Art Centre and the Whangarei Art Museum 

FOR the motion: "That council approves increasing general rates by 17.2% for 2024-25."  
(Extraordinary Whangarei District Council Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, 29 May, 2024)

FOR: Council spending $565,000 to host a NZ Warriors game. The motion: "That Council approves operating expenses funding of $350,000 in year 1 and $215,000 in year 2 of the Long Term Plan to provide an opportunity for Council to exclusively host an NRL game featuring the NZ Warriors in 2025 at the Northland Events Centre." 
Extraordinary Whangarei District Council Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, 29 May, 2024)