$100,000 Roadside Artwork

Questions are being asked about roading costs after information obtained by LETTERBOX under the Official Information Act reveals the Whangarei District Council (WDC) spent more than a hundred thousand dollars on the “archway” artwork in the middle of the Port Road Kioreroa Road roundabout. According to the Council’s roading department, 

“The total cost…is $104,605+GST. This cost includes design fees, fabrication, installation, foundations, lighting, and power supply. This work was required as part of a landscaping resource consent condition for the roundabout project.”

It seems incredible that councillors would spend +$100k on a nice-to-have artwork to beautify a traffic island when they are proposing to increase rates 17.2% this year, and substantial increases next year and the year after. They said the rate rises are required because roading costs have increased! 

We have asked the Council to give us access to the consent file so we can see who required the consent condition. Was it council staff? Iwi? We will let you know what we find.

WDC:  Port Road - Kioreroa Road improvements, Here>>>