Investigating Covid - Have your say


New Zealand’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is being reviewed, presumably so lessons can be learned to better prepare for the next pandemic.

The review was initiated by the Labour government but has been criticised for being too narrowly focused. The coalition agreement between National and NZ First addressed that concern by expanding the terms of the inquiry.  The public is now being asked to have a say on what the terms of reference should be.

An issue hardly talked about in the mainstream media is the research by Dr John Gibson from Waikato University which concludes “excess” deaths post-Covid are about four percent higher than expected. He says accurate health and economic data are needed to evaluate policy responses to the pandemic. Surely, having a foundation of reliable data is fundamental to an inquiry if it is to produce worthwhile recommendations. If there are excess deaths, then the inquiry has some questions to answer.  

Garrick Tremain Cartoon - Yuck, Greens


Greens Want Control of Local Councils

The Green Party wants more greenies in local government! When announcing her intention to stand for the Party leadership, Chloe Swarbrick said, “the focus was not just on the 2026 general election, but on next year’s local body elections“. 

She promised, “to help get more Green-aligned people into local government positions next year”.

Swarbrick’s comments are a useful reminder that radical elements target local council elections and will be doing so again next year.  

The best defence against radicals taking over our local councils is for the public to say “No” to extremism, and support candidates who are prepared to represent the public rather than use the position of privilege to impose their ideology upon others.

The Power of One "NO"


The Real Estate Authority has reversed its decision to make te reo Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi training compulsory for real estate agents. The course will now become optional for those completing their annual continuing education requirements.

The about-face comes after Auckland real estate agent Janet Dixon refused to undertake the course and was told by the Authority that her licence would be cancelled for five years if she did not do so. We understand Janet has been “let go” by the real estate firm she worked for.

Rather than cave in, Janet engaged lawyers to initiate a judicial review of the Authority's decision and has gained the backing of Hobson’s Pledge who is fundraising to cover the legal costs. 

Quotable quote


"Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is." - WINSTON CHURCHILL

Tutukaka Fishing Ban

The Minister of Fisheries, Shane Jones, has approved an application to close parts of the Tutukaka Coast to commercial and recreational fishing. The ban prohibits the taking of all shellfish (except kina), seahorse, and piper. The definition of shellfish includes pāua, lobster (crayfish), mussels, octopus, and squid. 

The ban was requested by local Māori “to restore the dramatically reduced population of the identified species to ecologically sustainable quantities”. The ban is for an initial term of two years.

In response to an Official Information request, the Minister has confirmed the ban does not apply to customary fishing rights.