Northland Regional Council bans fishing for some, but not all

The NRC is taking the unprecedented step of banning recreational fishing in some popular fishing spots in the Bay of Islands. 

The ban (tapu) includes all fishing, including recreational fishing.

The area includes popular fishing spots and will be unpopular with some.

The move is controversial because customary (tikanga) fishing is specifically excluded from the ban.

The Northern Advocate reports: "Exceptions to the no-take rules include kina harvesting and activities linked to research, restoration and tikanga - such as customary fishing."

NRC Chairperson Tui Shortland (who is one of the two Maori constituency councillors on the NRC) said the council is in discussions with iwi about implementing the rules. Clearly, the intention is for local iwi to have a role in the implementation and possibly the enforcement of the ban.

Those breaking the rules could face fines of up to $300,000 for an individual or $600,000 for an organisation, or imprisonment of up to two years.

See the Northern Advocate report here >>>

Garrick Tremain cartoon


Quotable quote


"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves." - ABRAHAM LINCOLN

How they voted - STV voting - WDC

That the Council;

1. Revokes the following resolution from the Whangarei District Council meeting on 24 August 2023:

“That the Council pursuant to Section 27 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, resolves to change to the Single Transferable Voting system for the 2025 and 2028 triennial elections.”;

2. And resolves: Pursuant to Section 27 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, to retain the First Past the Post electoral system for the 2025 triennial election; and

3. Pursuant to Section 31 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, to undertake a binding poll of electors on the electoral system to be used for the 2028 and 2031 triennial elections, such a poll to be held in conjunction with the next Whangarei District Council triennial election (11 October 2025) to reduce the costs associated with the holding of a poll.

Your letters - Winnie the Kid


I have noticed a clip in TV with Winston Peters sitting on a horse dressed in what looks like oil-skin riding gear. First off, I thought he was trying to imitate “Billy the Kid” a well-known mischief-maker from the “Wild West” days. Then I suspected this was pretty apt as Billy lives on as a folk story from days gone by.

 While I am also unsure of the future status of our own “Winny the Kid” I am sure that some of his current statements do not ring true.

WDC councillors change the voting system - they just didn't tell you about it!

Whangarei District councillors have voted to change the way they are elected - without telling anyone!

On the 24th of August councillors voted to change from the First Past the Post (FPP) voting system to Single Transferable Vote (STV). They did so without giving notice to the public that the change was contemplated, and without asking the public whether they agreed to the change in voting.

How they voted - excluding the public from code of conduct complaints - WDC

That the Council:

Resolves that the updated 2023 Elected Member Code of Conduct excludes the public from directly making a complaint under the Code. (Thursday, 24 August, 2023)

How they voted - Treaty of Waitangi and Code of Conduct - WDC

That the Council:

1. Resolves that the updated 2023 Elected Member Code of Conduct includes reference to the principles of Te Tiriti in clause 3 of the Code. (Thursday, 24 August, 2023)



"That the Council; pursuant to Section 27 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, resolve to change to the Single Transferable Voting system for the 2025 and 2028 triennial elections."  (Thursday, 24 August, 2023)

Moved By Cr Carol Peters

Seconded By Cr Patrick Holmes

Goodbye Emily

Whangarei’s Labour Party MP is standing down after one term in the job. 

Emily Henderson said she did not expect to win the seat that had been “blue” for 45 years - saying it was a shock. When reflecting on her three years she commented,

Garrick Tremain cartoon - Electoral terms


Quotable quote


“It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert they are the only source of truth” – adapted from Charles Darwin

Act and National say they would repeal Maori wards on local councils

Maori wards on local councils would be abolished, should National and Act form a government on 14 October.

Maori wards on local councils would be abolished, should National and Act form a government on 14 October.