NRC Chair breaches code of conduct rules

Tui Shortland should stand down as the Chair of the Northland Regional Council. 

The call comes from a former NRC councillor, John Bain. and follows an incident where, according to the Northern Advocate, Shortland, and other activists, “used their bodies to block the hall’s entrance” to prevent members of the public from entering a meeting that the organisers had every right to hold. John Bain’s letter to councillors said, 

“I am writing to you all to voice my…complete disgust upon reading your Chair has taken part in a protest under the flag of the NRC. While I have no problem with anyone protesting in a peaceful manner, as an individual, for, or against any subject or cause, I like many, many other ratepayers do not expect, nor appreciate, any Mayor or Chair bring their position into disrepute. This was the position last weekend. To do so with absolutely no mandate from a position of election or Council resolution leads me to recommend that your Chair has no option other than to resign her position, and, for the Council to elect a Chair who understands protocol and good representation. The ratepayers of Northland expect and deserve nothing less.”

The actions of Tui Shortland are likely to have breached no fewer than 11 requirements of her Council’s Code of Conduct. These are: 

3.1 Regional interest: members will serve the best interests of the people within the region as a whole, not the constituency or affiliation that elected them. (breached)

3.3 Ethical behaviour: members will not place themselves in situations where their honesty and integrity may be questioned, will not behave improperly, and will avoid behavior which may be perceived as improper. (breached)

3.5. Respect for others: members will treat people, including other members, with respect and courtesy, regardless of their race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or political affiliations. (breached)

3.6 Duty to uphold the law: members will comply with all legislative requirements applying to their role, abide by this Code of Conduct, and act in accordance with the trust placed in them by the public. (breached)

5.3 Relationships with the public

Given that the performance of the council requires the trust and respect of individual citizens, members will:

• Interact with members of the public in a fair, respectful, equitable and honest manner; (breached)

• Be available to listen and respond openly and honestly to community concerns; (breached)

• Represent the views of citizens and organisations accurately, regardless of the members own opinions on the matters raised; (breached)

• Consider all points of view or interests when participating in debate and making decisions; (breached)

• Treat members of the public in a courteous manner; (breached)

• Act in a way that upholds the reputation of the local authority; and (breached)

• Not act in a way which could be perceived as sexist, racist, or offensive, and/or in a manner that could potentially bring the organisation into disrepute. (breached)

Tui Shortland is a first-term councillor. She was elected in the Te Raki Māori constituency.

Northern Advocate report >>>

NRC Code of Conduct >>>