How they voted - WDC: 10.9% rates increase

How they voted:

Motion: "That the Council approves increasing general rates by 10.9% for 2023-24..."

For: Cr's  Nicholas Connop, Ken Couper,  Deborah Harding,  Scott McKenzie and Carol Peters.

Against: His Worship the Mayor, Cr's Gavin Benney, Jayne Golightly, Phil Halse, Patrick Holmes, Marie Olsen, Simon Reid, Phoenix Ruka, Paul Yovich.

The motion was lost 5 to 9.

Motion: "That the Council approves increasing general rates by 7.9% for 2023-24..."

For: His Worship the Mayor, Cr's Gavin Benney, Jayne Golightly, Phil Halse, Patrick Holmes, Marie Olsen, Simon Reid, Phoenix Ruka, Paul Yovich, Nicholas Connop, Carol Peters

Against: Cr's  Ken Couper,  Deborah Harding,  Scott McKenzie.

The sad irony is Ken Couper campaigned on the slogan, "You can count on Ken".

What we know is we can count on Ken to ignore the public.  

Councillors Connop, Harding,  McKenzie and Peters also have some explaining to do because clearly, they do not represent the public, despite being elected to do exactly that.

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