Reality Check Media

There’s a new media player in town – Reality Check Radio – and it’s taking on the mainstream (legacy) media. Improvements in online speed and data capacity is presenting a new frontier of citizen broadcasting and threatening the traditional gatekeepers of “truth”.

Hosts include Paul Brennan, Peter Williams, Rodney Hide, Chantelle Baker, Don Nicolson.

This is how RCR describes its role: “It’s time for the narratives, agendas, and conflicts of interest to be challenged! It’s time for the bullies, cowards, and name-callers to be exposed. It’s time for accountability. It’s time to hear the other side of the story. It’s time for sound minds, rational thought, and reasonable debate.”

To connect to RCR type into your device browser and press the LISTEN LIVE button on the home page. Most of the shows are repeated later the same day, and available as replays. 

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