Your letters...Our new PM


Dear Sir, 

I have spent a little time reading through various parts of the New Zealand Media’s articles about our new PM. I have also researched the internet to find out as much as I can about his political history. It doesn’t read well. 

To my first dismay, I find Chis Hipkins has never had a “real” job in his life. He has moved only through a number of political rungs on the ladder from the “Union” at university to his present position gifted by Jacinda’s somewhat curious departure. He has worked with, and for Helen Clarke while she was a leader of, and in, Parliament, under the Labour Government. So, one would have thought an education of the magnitude Helen Clark could give would stand him in good stead. But no. I find Hipkins various held portfolios he hasn’t really stamped success in any, as I will point out.

He was Minister of Police 2022/3; the crime rate has never been higher; ram raids a children’s pastime.

He has been Minister of Education 2017-23, our position in the graph of developed nations success in Education has plummeted from the top 5 to below 30, a disaster for our future one would think and has never been worse.

Hipkins has been Minister of Health, 2020, just read about the dreadful state or the lack of health service nationwide, 67000 people on waiting lists and then 10s of thousands waiting to see specialists. I won’t mention the curious stand we see in not recruiting nurses from overseas which puts so much pressure on the dedicated nurses we still have here who have not headed to Australia like so many of their colleagues. A failure of the Government as a whole but lead by Hipkins as a large part.

As Minister of Covid 2020/22 did he sort that out?  No, but he stopped stranded New Zealanders from coming home when home was what they needed. He stopped grieving families from being with their dying members in the last moments of their lives. A cruel action that we should not forget or forgive. As Minister of Covid he left a special Cabinet meeting which was to determine the future of “face mask wearing” and when questioned immediately after leaving that meeting, he couldn’t even answer if the mask-wearing was continuing on public transport!!!! Was he even at that meeting or once again, just out of his depth?

Hipkins has been Minister of the Public Service and look what a gravy train that has become, and he has been a silent “Leader of The House” while we watch the principles of “Democracy” attempting to be changed, just like one could read in “Animal Farm”. 

The future looks grim under this leader, bring on October.

John Bain, Whangarei