Frank Newman: Misconduct at the Whangarei District Council

Things are getting pretty bizarre at the Whangarei District Council.

The Northern Advocate has provided an update on a Code of Conduct complaint against councillor Jayne Golightly. (see article HERE >>>)

The Code of Conduct complaint was made by Whangarei activist Terry Burkhardt. The Advocate says,

 “Burkhardt alleged Golightly breached council confidentiality by including information from confidential council meeting discussions in her on-air Sean Plunket interview [on The Platform].”

10.9% rates increase - Whangarei District Council


The Whangarei District Council wants to know what you think of a proposed 10.9% rates increase!

It says, 

Council will be presenting rates rise options for the public to consider during their Annual Plan consultation in April 2023 as they grapple with high inflation.

Your letters...Our new PM


Dear Sir, 

I have spent a little time reading through various parts of the New Zealand Media’s articles about our new PM. I have also researched the internet to find out as much as I can about his political history. It doesn’t read well. 

How they voted - Hundertwasser additional funding - Whangarei District Council


Hundertwasser Art Centre Update (full council. 23 March 2023) 

Moved By Cr Phil Halse, Seconded By Cr Gavin Benney

That the Council;

How they voted - Oruku Landing Decision - Whangarei District Council

Oruku Landing Decision (full council. 23 March 2023) 

Moved By Cr Gavin Benney, Seconded By Cr Phil Halse

That the Council:

Council commits ratepayers money to Oruku Landing project

By a majority of 7 to 6, the Whangarei District Council has voted ratepayers should contribute up to $10.4m towards the Oruku Landing project in the Town Basin area. 

This is despite the project being voted down by councillors in November 2021 after 80% of the more than 5000 submissions received from the public opposed ratepayer funding. Radio NZ >>>

At the 23 March 2023 council meeting, the council passed the following motion:


Who said, “I am the prevention violence Minister, and I know who causes violence in the world, and it’s white cis men”.  [“Cis” describes someone who has a gender identity that matches their sex at birth.]

Answer: Marama Davidson, Green Party co-leader.

See video here >>>   

She later ‘walked back” her comments, when it was pointed out that her comment was patently untrue. 

Fact Check: According to Police data, in 2022 79% of violent offending was committed by males and 21% by females. Broken down by ethnicity, 51% were Māori, 29% European, 11% Pacific, 2% Indian and 1% Asian. 

Garrick Tremain cartoon - Woke Wildfire


Garrick Tremain is one of New Zealand's best-known artists and political cartoonists. He has a wonderful ability to capture in images exactly what people are thinking in a way that makes us laugh. You can see more of his work on his website HERE >>>. 

Kamo or Te Kamo


NOTE: Submissions close at 5pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023

Ngāti Kahu-o-Torongare and several hapū from Whangārei have made an application to the NZ Geographic Board to change the name of Kamo to Te Kamo. 

Here’s their reason: 

Should our Council’s support racist and anti-democratic organisations?

Sport Northland’s purpose and vision is to enrich Northlanders' lives through movement and have all Northlanders moving more for enhanced well-being. Its purpose is admirable and on many accounts, it does great work. It is significantly funded by ratepayers in Northland to manage recreational assets. Recently it refused to hire a room to a community group because it did not agree with their political views about co-governance. It reversed its decision when it was pointed out that discriminating against a person because they don’t like their political views breaches the Human Rights Act. 

Why did Sport Northland object? 

Poll - Oruku Landing

Frank Newman. Straight Talk: Crime wave continues.

 This morning's press is again full of crime stories, two screaming out with messages of what's so wrong with our justice system and our government's pathetically soft approach to crime that borders on condoning the actions of criminals. The first is from the NZ Herald.