“Men [and presumably women and those undecided] occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” - WINSTON CHURCHILL
Quotable Quote
“Men [and presumably women and those undecided] occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” - WINSTON CHURCHILL
True Lies
Police investigations are ongoing and want to hear from anyone who may have information leading to the recovery of a blue stapler and a pad of yellow Post-it notes. True or a lie?
[It's true, well all of it except the part about the police wanting information about the stapler and Post-it notes!]
STV Voting and greenies on council
Not all councillors are as arrogant as those in Whangarei. At last year’s local elections, the Hutt City Council held a referendum which asked the public whether they preferred STV or FPP.
NRC Plan Threatens Viability of Farming
Farmers are mobilising against a proposal by the Northland Regional Council (NRC) that would affect some 250,000ha of farming land in the North, or 40% of the area currently being farmed.
According to Farmers Weekly, the proposal “will send farmers to the wall…hill country grazing will not be a permitted activity and that they will need costly resource consents in the future.”
Lunar Meetings - Far North District Council
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