Garrick Tremain cartoon - Lipstick on a pig

Garrick Tremain is one of New Zealand's best-known artists and political cartoonists. He has a wonderful ability to capture in images exactly what people are thinking in a way that makes us laugh. You can see more of his work on his website HERE >>>. 

The Whangarei District Council wants to know what you think about a 10.9% rate increase!


The Whangarei District Council is proposing a 10.9% rate increase, and they want to know what you think about it. 

The rate rises would increase the average rates bill by $260 and is likely to cause rents to rise by at least $5 a week. It comes at a time when households are having to cut costs as the living cost crisis deepens. 

The Northern Advocate has the story:

Ratepayers across Northland are facing big rates rises as all four territorial local authorities are planning hikes of between 5.3 per cent and 11.4 per cent as the cost of living crisis deepens.

Northland Regional Council (NRC) is topping the bill, proposing an increase of as much as 11.4 per cent.

Whangārei District Council (WDC) comes next with an up to 10.9 per cent increase. Far North District Council (FNDC) is proposing an 8.63 per cent lift and Kaipara District Council (KDC) 5.34 per cent.

 Kaipara Mayor Craig Jepson said, 

“I am confident that, if anything, we will be going lower than that 5.34 per cent,”…He said he had campaigned on prudent council management and keeping costs down when he became mayor – as the council and its community headed into the difficult financial times ahead. The council’s draft 5.34 per cent proposed increase was a manifestation of this.”

The other councils in Northland need to follow Kaipara’s lead. 

QUIZ QUESTION: How do you define a woman?

 How do you define a woman? It's a tough question! Let's see how the Prime Minister handled it.

Can you help the PM out?  


LGNZ - It's hard to say goodbye

The Auckland Council has said goodbye to Local Government NZ (LGNZ). In his own colourful way, Mayor Wayne Brown said the annual membership fee was not a good use of ratepayer money. Our local councils should do the same. 

It is understood the WDC pays LGNZ an annual membership fee of around $80,000. Why, when the LGNZ acted against the wishes of a majority of councils and supported Three Waters? By resigning from LGNZ our local councils would not only be saving ratepayer money, but they would also be sending LGNZ a message that it’s their job to represent local councils, not central government.  

Garrick Tremain cartoon - Outa sight outa mind


Garrick Tremain is one of New Zealand's best-known artists and political cartoonists. He has a wonderful ability to capture in images exa
ctly what people are thinking in a way that makes us laugh. You can see more of his work on his website HERE >>>.